
PR0009664.JPGHow to create your web site.

  1. Visit and log in with your Berry Active Directory account, the account you use to login to your Berry email and cpu. This will take you to “My Sites” within the WordPress dashboard.
  2. Now click on “Create a New Site”.
  3. By default, your web site’s address will be created
  4. Pick your site title. The site title is the title visitors see at the top of your site, so you may want to make it more formal or descriptive.  For example, Jane Doe’s Reflections on Learning. You can change your Site Title at any time from your dashboard in Settings >> General.
  5. Set your Privacy. Select “Yes” in the privacy settings if you want your site to be searchable on the Berry network. If you share your website URL with someone, they can visit your site. This setting just prevents anyone from being able to search and find your site. You can change your privacy settings after you create your site.
  6. Click “Create Site” and you now have a website!