Meghan and Chelsea collecting sediments from a fen near Crested Butte.
Chelsea and Meghan work together to pull the corer out. Seems like they should have worn boots.
Big Alkali Lake. It only took two tries to find it.The canoes, platform, and all the equipment had to be carried up the mountain to the lake. The “road” was also an adventure.Coring Big Alkali like with Chelsea and Meghan (and Doc Taylor who is not pictured).Wearing some gyttja war paint.Readying the gravity corer at Mirror Lake (with Doc Taylor).Lowering the DOC (Double Occurrence Corer) unit to permit multiple gravity cores to be recovered.Meghan and Chelsea pulling the DOC back up. In over 26 meters of water, it is a good workout.We you recover a 2+ meter core, you have to be a bit creative about how you get the mud out of the tube. Note the clouds in the background that added a bit of urgency to the situation.