Principles of Cell Biology (BIO 111)

This is introductory biology for science majors. It is taught every semester. Topics include basic chemistry/biochemistry, cells, metabolism, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, cellular reproduction, and genetics. Labs consist of exercises and experiments that explore the topics covered in lecture. 3 hours of lecture and 2 hours of lab per week. 4 credits. (3-2-4)

Principles of Zoology (BIO 202)

This is the second semester of introductory biology.  It is taught every spring semester and has a prerequisite of BIO 111 or EVS 104.  Topics include animal diversity (i.e., making sense of the vast number of animals on earth), animal physiology (i.e., how animals work) and evolution, which is the framework for all of biology.  3 hours of lecture and 2 hours of lab per week.  4 credits. (3-2-4)

Behavioral Ecology (BIO 415)

A biology elective designed for students who are interested in animal behavior.  General Ecology (BIO 305) is a prerequisite for this course.  The course approaches the study of animal behavior from an evolutionary (i.e., ultimate) perspective.  In other words, how does a particular behavior influence an animal’s genetic fitness?  Topics include predator/prey interactions, competition for resources, parental care and mating systems, and social behavior.  Labs include learning how to describe and quantify behavior, a visit to Zoo Atlanta, and a 3-day field trip to coastal Georgia’s St. Catherines Island.  St. Catherines is most notable for its introduced population of free-ranging ring-tailed lemurs and active sea turtle conservation program.  Students also create a short documentary film based on some aspect of animal behavior.  The course is taught in the fall semester of odd numbered years.  3 hours of lecture and 3 hours of lab per week. WI course. 4 credits. (3-3-4)

Conservation Biology (BIO 405)

This course is an elective for biology majors, but is a requirement for Environmental Science majors with a biology concentration.  General Ecology (BIO 305) is a prerequisite.  Conservation Biology is a relatively new discipline that deals with threats to the earth’s biodiversity.  Students learn about the distribution of biodiversity throughout the world, biodiversity “hotspots,” causes of extinction, and the methods used to conserve biodiversity, including legal measures.  Current conservation-related issues are addressed throughout the semester.  Labs include population modeling exercises, measurements of biodiversity, and a 3-day field trip to the Jones Ecological Research Center at Ichauway in southwest Georgia. The course is taught in the spring of even numbered years.  3 hours of lecture and 3 hours of lab per week. 4 credits. (3-3-4)

Advanced Ecology (BIO 455)

A biology elective for students who wish to delve deeper into the discipline of ecology and organismal biology, particularly as it relates to animals.  General Ecology (BIO 305) is a prerequisite.  Topics include plant/animal interactions, primate feeding ecology, predator-prey systems, and the ecology of the southern Appalachians.  There is no lab associated with the course, although a 3-day field trip to the Highlands Biological Station and the Coweeta Hydrologic Lab (in western North Carolina) is taken.  The course is taught in the fall of even numbered years.  3 hours of lecture per week (no lab). 3 credits. (3-0-3)