History of Eductional Accountability

Interesting story on how the educational accountability movement began in the progressive era and why teachers have not been able to resist or stand up to it.  The author, however, suggests that higher education has been able to resist the accountability movement, but anyone involved in reaccreditation at a college or university knows that isn’t true anymore.

Source: Education reformers have it all wrong: Accountability from above never works, great teaching always does – Salon.com

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Using Team-Based Inquiry to Teach Research Skills in the Humanities

Interesting story from Inside Higher Education about a way of teaching research skills in the Humanities.  The inquiry approach is something I could see using in Historiography, not sure about team-based research though.

Source: Trying Team-Based Inquiry to Teach Research Skills in the Humanities | GradHacker | InsideHigherEd

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Technology and Higher Education

Great Chronicle of Higher Education piece about how technology can not address inequalities in education, because it does not have the power to inspire the motivation that students require to succeed.  Moreover, technology without a trained and dedicated instructor also fails to  achieve highest of outcomes.

Source: Why Technology Will Never Fix Education – Commentary – The Chronicle of Higher Education

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