Tag Archives: technology

Historical Anachronisms

I recently experimented with using AI, specifically DALL-E, as a tool for teaching about anachronisms in history. While AI image generation offers fascinating possibilities, it’s important to approach this tool with a critical eye, especially in the field of historical education.

DALL-E, an AI model developed by OpenAI, has the capability to generate images based on textual descriptions. This offers an opportunity to visually discuss anachronisms – elements that are historically out of place – with students. For instance, by generating an image of a 19th-century setting with modern elements, students can visually identify and discuss historical inaccuracies.

However, it’s crucial to note that DALL-E, as of now, is not a subtle tool for this purpose. I asked it to create 5 images based on a specific event and add at least one anachronism to each. You can see the results below.

Despite the ease of finding the anachronisms in each of these, it was a good starting place for discussion and I am pretty confident my students will remember what an anachronism is now.

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The math behind “8 CDs for a penny”

Interesting story and documentary about what it was like working for Columbia House in the 1990s.  One of the most interesting points is how the music industry helped create the digital ‘sharing’ of music through their marked-up CD sales.



Source: Four Columbia House insiders explain the shady math behind “8 CDs for a penny”

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Technology and Higher Education

Great Chronicle of Higher Education piece about how technology can not address inequalities in education, because it does not have the power to inspire the motivation that students require to succeed.  Moreover, technology without a trained and dedicated instructor also fails to  achieve highest of outcomes.

Source: Why Technology Will Never Fix Education – Commentary – The Chronicle of Higher Education

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