My Publications

Graham, J.H., M.J. Whitesell, M. Fleming II, H. Hel-Or, E. Nevo, S. Raz. 2015. Fluctuating asymmetry of plant leaves: batch processing with LAMINA and Continuous Symmetry Measures. Symmetry 7: 255-268. doi:10.3390/sym7010255

de Bruin, E.I., J.H. Graham, A. Louwerse, and A. C. Huizink. 2014. Mild dermatoglyphic deviations in adolescents with autism spectrum disorders and average intellectual abilities as compared to typically developing boys. Autism Research and Treatment 2014: 1-6, Article ID 968134,

Ozener, B. and J.H. Graham. 2014. Growth and fluctuating asymmetry of human newborns: influence of inbreeding and parental education. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 53:45–51.

Graham, J.H., D. Robb, and A.R. Poe. 2012. Random phenotypic variation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae fits a double Pareto-lognormal distribution. PLoS One 7(11): e48964. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048964 (Download)

Raz, S., N.P. Schwartz, H.K. Mienis, E. Nevo E, and J.H. Graham. 2012. Fluctuating helical asymmetry and morphology of snails (Gastropoda) in divergent microhabitats at ‘Evolution Canyons I and II,’ Israel. PLoS ONE 7(7): e41840. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041840 (Download)

Raz, S., J.H. Graham, A. Cohen, B.L. de Bivort, I. Grishkan, and E. Nevo. 2012. Growth and asymmetry of soil microfungal colonies from “Evolution Canyon,” Lower Nahal Oren, Mount Carmel, Israel. PLoS One 7(4): e34689. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034689 (Download)

Graham, J.H., J.J. Duda, M.L. Brown, S. Kitchen, J.M. Emlen, J. Malol, E. Bankstahl, A.J. Krzysik, H. Balbach, D.C. Freeman. 2012.  The effects of drought and disturbance on the growth and developmental instability of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.). Ecological Indicators 20: 143–150.

Graham, J.H. and Duda, J.J. 2011. The humpbacked species richness curve: a contingent rule for community ecology. International Journal of Ecology 2011: 1-15, Article ID 868426. doi:10.1155/2011/868426 (Download)

Ostberg, C.O., Duda, J.J., Graham, J.H., Zhang, S., Haywood, K.P. III, Miller, B., and Lerud, T. L. 2011. Growth, morphology, and developmental instability of rainbow trout, Yellowstone cutthroat trout, and four hybrid generations. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140: 334–344.

Raz, S., J.H. Graham, H. Hel-Or, H., T. Pavlicec, and E. Nevo. 2011. Developmental instability of vascular plants in contrasting microclimates at “Evolution Canyon.” Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 102: 786–797. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8312.2011.01615.x

Graham, J.H., Raz, S., Hel-Or, H., and Nevo, E. 2010. Fluctuating asymmetry: methods, theory, and application. Symmetry 2: 466-540, doi:10.3390/sym2020466 (Download)

Lajus, D.L., Graham, J.H., Katolikova, M.V., and Yurtseva, A. O. 2009. Fluctuating asymmetry and random phenotypic variation: history, achievements, problems, perspectives. Bulletin of Saint-Petersburg University 3: 98–110. (in Russian) (Download)

Graham, J.H, A.J. Krzysik, D.A. Kovacic, J.J. Duda, D.C. Freeman, J.M. Emlen, J.C. Zak, W.R. Long, M.P. Wallace, C. Chamberlin-Graham, J. Nutter, and H. Balbach. 2009. Species richness, equitability, and abundance of ants in disturbed landscapes. Ecological Indicators 9: 866–877.

Graham, J.H., A. J. Krzysik, D.A. Kovacic, J.J. Duda, D.C. Freeman, J.M. Emlen, J.C. Zak, W.R. Long, M.P. Wallace, C. Chamberlin-Graham, J. Nutter, and H. Balbach. 2008.  Ant community composition across a gradient of disturbed military landscapes at Fort Benning, Georgia.  Southeastern Naturalist 7: 429–448. (Download)

Miglia, K. J., E. D. McArthur, W. Moore, H. Wang, J. H. Graham, and D. C. Freeman.  2005. Nine-year reciprocal transplant experiment in the gardens of the basin and moutain big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata: Asteraceae) hybrid zone of Salt Creek Canyon: the importance of multiple-year tracking of fitness.  Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 86: 213–225.

Freeman, D. C., M. L. Brown, J. J. Duda, J. H. Graham, J. M. Emlen, A. J. Krzysik, H. Balbach, D. A. Kovacic, and J. C. Zak.  2005.  Leaf fluctuating asymmetry, soil disturbance and plant stress: a multiple year comparison using two herbs, Ipomoea pandurata and Cnidoscolus stimulosusEcological Indicators 5: 85–95.

Krzysik, A. J., H. E. Balbach, J. J. Duda, J. M. Emlen, D. C. Freeman, J. H. Graham, D. A. Kovacic, L. M. Smith, and J. C. Zak. 2005. Development of Ecological Indicator Guilds for Land Management: SERDP Final Technical Report – SERDP Research Project CS-1114B. (Download)

Freeman, D. C., Ml. L. Brown, J. J. Duda, J. M. Emlen, A. K. Krzysik, H. Balbach, D. K. Kovacic, and J. C. Zak. 2004 Developmental instability in Rhus copallinum L.: multiple stressors, years, and responses.  International Journal of Plant Sciences 165: 53–63.

Graham, J.H., H.H. Hughie, S. Jones, K. Wrinn, A.J. Krzysik, J.J. Duda, D.C. Freeman, J.M. Emlen, J.C. Zak, D.A. Kovacic, C. Chamberlin-Graham, and H.E. Balbach.  2004.  Habitat disturbance and the diversity and abundance of ants (Formicidae) in the Southeastern Fall-Line Sandhills. Journal of Insect Science (online at

Krzysik, A.J., H.E. Balbach, D. Kovacic, J. Zak, J.H. Graham, M. Wallace, J. Duda, D.C. Freeman, and J.M. Emlen. 2004. Development of ecological indicator guilds: a site comparison index for the southeast Fall-Line Sandhills. Miscellaneous Publication, SERDP Program Office, Arlington, VA. (abstract)

Freeman, D. C., M. L. Brown, J. J. Duda, J. H. Graham, J. M. Emlen, A. J. Krzysik, H. E. Balbach, D. A. Kovacic, and J. C. Zak. 2004. Photosynthesis and fluctuating asymmetry as indicators of plant responses to soil disturbance in the Fall Line Sandhills of Georgia: a case study using Rhus copallinum and Ipomoea pandurata. International Journal of Plant Sciences 165: 805–816.

Duda, J. J., D. C. Freeman, M. L. Brown, J. H. Graham, A. J. Krzysik,  J. M. Emlen, J. C. Zak, and D. A. Kovacic.  2003. Estimating distrurbance effects from military training using developmental instability and physiological measures of plant stress.  Ecological Indicators 3: 251–262.

Graham, J. H., K. Shimizu, J. M. Emlen, D. C. Freeman, and J. Merkel.  2003.  Growth models and the expected distribution of fluctuating asymmetry.  Biological Journal of the Linnean Society  80: 57–65.   (pdf)

Freeman, D. C., M. L. Brown, M. Dobson, Y.  Jordan, A. Kizy, C. Micallef, L. C. Hancock, J. H. Graham, and J. M. Emlen. 2003. Developmental Instability: Measures of resistance and resilience using pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo ).  Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 78: 27–4.   (pdf)

Emlen, J. M., D. C. Freeman, and J. H. Graham. 2003. The Adaptive Basis of Developmental Instability: A Hypothesis and its Implications.  Pages 51–61 In: Polak M (ed) Developmental instability: causes and consequences. Oxford University Press, New York.

Freeman, D. C., J. H. Graham, J. M. Emlen, M. A. Tracy, R. A. Hough, C. L. Alados, and J. Escós. 2003. Plant Developmental Instability: New Measures, Applications, and Regulation. Pages 367–386 In: Polak M (ed) Developmental instability: causes and consequences. Oxford University Press, New York.

Graham, J. H., J. M. Emlen, and D. C. Freeman. 2003. Nonlinear dynamics and developmental instability. Pages 35–50 In: Polak M (ed) Developmental instability: causes and consequences. Oxford University Press, New York.

Lajus, D. L., J. H. Graham, and A. V. Kozhara. 2003. Developmental instability and the stochastic component of total phenotypic variance.  Pages 343–363 In: Polak M (ed) Developmental instability: causes and consequences. Oxford University Press, New York

Tracy, M., D. C. Freeman, J. J. Duda, K. J. Miglia, J. H. Graham, R. A. Hough. 2003. Developmental instability: An appropriate indicator of plant fitness?  Pages 196–212 In: Polak M (ed) Developmental instability: causes and consequences. Oxford University Press, New York

Graham, J. H., E. D. McArthur, and D. C. Freeman. 2001. Narrow hybrid zone between two subspecies of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata: Asteraceae): XII. Galls on sagebrush  in a reciprocal transplant garden.  Oecologia 126: 239–246.

Graham, J. H., E. D. McArthur, and D. C. Freeman. 2001. Narrow hybrid zone between two subspecies of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentate: Asteraceae): XI. Plant-insect interactions in reciprocal transplant gardens.  Pages 118-126 in E. D. McArthur and J Daniel (eds) Proceedings: Shrubland ecosystem genetics and biodiversity, June 13-15, 2000, Provo, Utah;  USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-21. Ogden, Utah.

Freeman, D. C., J. H. Graham, T. Jones. H. Wang, K. J. Miglia, and E. D. McArthur. 2001.Use of distance measures to assess environmental and genetic variability across sagebrush hybrid zones.  Pages 127–133 in E. D. McArthur and J Daniel (eds) Proceedings: Shrubland ecosystem genetics and biodiversity, June 13-15, 2000, Provo, Utah;  USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-21. Ogden, Utah.

Graham, J. H., D. Fletcher, J. Tigue, and M. McDonald. 2000. Growth and developmental stability of Drosophila melanogaster in low-frequency magnetic fields. Bioelectromagnetics 21: 465–472. ( abstract )

Graham, J. H. 2000. Accounts of Species on the Threshold of Extinction. (book review of Beverly Peterson Stearns and Stephen Stearns’s Watching, From the Edge of Extinction). Ecology 81: 291–292.

Freeman, D. C., J. H. Graham, M. Tracy, J. M. Emlen, and C. Alados. 1999. Developmental instability as a means of assessing stress in plants: a case study using electromagnetic fields and soybean.  International Journal of Plant Sciences 160 (supplement): 157–166. (pdf)

Cowart, N. M. and J. H. Graham.  1999. Within- and among-individual fluctuating asymmetry of leaves in the fig (Ficus carica L.).  International Journal of Plant Sciences 160: 116–121.  (pdf)

Graham, J. H., E. D. McArthur, H, Wang, and D. C. Freeman. 1999. Ecological analysis of the big sagebrush hybrid zone.  Pages 11-14 in E. D. McArthur, W. K. Ostler, and C. L. Wambolt (eds.) Proceedings of the Tenth Wildland Shrub Symposium on Ecotones, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, RMRS-P-11.

Freeman, D. C., E. D. McArthur, J. H. Graham, K. J. Miglia, H. Wang, and S. C. Sanderson. 1999. Narrow hybrid zone between two subspecies of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata: Asteraceae). X. An analysis of growth in reciprocally transplanted gardens.  Pages 15-24 in E. D. McArthur, W. K. Ostler, and C. L. Wambolt (eds.) Proceedings of the Tenth Wildland Shrub Symposium on Ecotones, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, RMRS-P-11.

Byrd, D. W., E. D. McArthur, H. Wang, J. H. Graham, and D. C. Freeman.  1999.  Narrow hybrid zone between two subspecies of big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata: Asteraceae). VIII. Spatial and temporal patterns of terpenes. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 27: 11–25.

Emlen, J. M., D. C. Freeman, A. Mills, and J. H. Graham.  1998. How organisms do the right thing: the attractor hypothesis. Chaos 8: 717–726.  (pdf)

McArthur, E. D., D. C. Freeman, J. H. Graham, H. Wang, S. C. Sanderson, T. A. Monaco, B. N. Smith. 1998. Narrow hybrid zone between two subspecies of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata: Asteraceae). VI. Respiration and water potential. Canadian Journal of Botany 76: 567–574. (pdf)

Graham, J. H., J. M. Emlen, D. C. Freeman, L. J. Leamy, and J. Kieser. 1998. Directional asymmetry and the measurement of developmental instability. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 64: 1–16.

Wang, H. D., W. Byrd, J. L. Howard, E. D. McArthur, J. H. Graham, and D. C. Freeman. 1998. Narrow hybrid zone between two subspecies of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata: Asteraceae). V. Soil  properties. International Journal of Plant Science 159: 139–147. (pdf)

Wang, H., E. D. McArthur, J. H. Graham, and D. C. Freeman. 1997. Narrow hybrid zone between two subspecies of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata : Asteraceae). IV. Reciprocal transplant experiments. Evolution 51: 95–102. (pdf)

Graham, J. H. 1997. Life History of Biology. (book review of Ernst Mayr’s This is Biology). Ecology 78: 2273–2274.

Freeman, D. C., J. M. Emlen, J. H. Graham, R. L. Mara, and M. Tracy. 1996. Developmental instability as a bioindicator of ecosystem health. Pages 170–177 In G. R. Barrow, E. D. McArthur, R. Sosebee, and R. Tausch, Proceedings: Shrubland Ecosystem Dynamics in a Changing Environment, Las Cruces, NM.

Tracy, M., D. C. Freeman, J. M. Emlen, J. H. Graham, and R. A. Hough. 1995.  Developmental instability as a biomonitor of environmental stress: an illustration using aquatic vegetation. Pages 313–337 In F. M. Butterworth (editor), Biomonitors and Biomarkers as Indicators of Environmental Change. Plenum Press, NY.

Freeman, D. C., J. H. Graham, D. W. Byrd, E. D. McArthur, and W. D. Turner.  1995. Narrow hybrid zone between two subspecies of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata: Asteraceae). III. Developmental instability.  American Journal of Botany 82: 1144–1152.

Graham, J. H., D. C. Freeman, and E. D. McArthur. 1995. Narrow hybrid zone between two subspecies of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata: Asteraceae). II. Selection gradients and hybrid fitness.  American Journal of Botany 82: 709–716.  (pdf)

Freeman, D. C., J. M. Emlen, J. H. Graham, R. A. Hough, and T. A. Bannon. 1994. Biological monitoring of environmental quality: the use of developmental instability. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Management. Summer 1994, pp. 6–11.

Graham, J. H., D. C. Freeman, and J. M. Emlen. 1993. Developmental stability: a sensitive indicator of populations under stress. Pages 136–158 In First Symposium Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment, ASTM STP 1179, W. G. Landis, J. Hughes, and M. A. Lewis (editors), American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia.

Graham, J. H., K. Roe, and T. B. West. 1993. Developmental instability of Drosophila melanogaster exposed to lead and benzene. Ecotoxicology 2: 185–194.

Graham, J. G., J. M. Emlen, and D. C. Freeman. 1993. Developmental stability and its applications in ecotoxicology. Ecotoxicology 2: 175–184.

Graham, J. H., D. C. Freeman, and J. M. Emlen. 1993. Antisymmetry, directional asymmetry, and dynamic morphogenesis. Pages 123-139 In T. Markow (editor), Developmental Instability: Origins and Evolutionary Significance. Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. (also published in a special issue of Genetica 89: 121–137)

Freeman, D. C., J. H. Graham, and J. M. Emlen. 1993. Developmental stability in plants: symmetries, stress, and epigenesis. Pages 99-121 In T. Markow (editor), Developmental Instability: Origins and Evolutionary Significance. Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. (also published in Genetica 89: 97–119)

Emlen, J. M., D. C. Freeman, and J. H. Graham. 1993. Nonlinear growth dynamics and the origin of fluctuating asymmetry. Pages 79-96 In T. Markow (editor), Developmental Instability: Origins and Evolutionary Significance. Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. (also published in a special issue of Genetica 89: 77–96)

Graham, J. H. 1993. Species diversity of fishes in naturally acidic lakes of New Jersey.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 122: 1043–1057.

Graham, J. H. 1992. Genomic coadaptation and developmental stability in hybrid zones. Acta Zoologica Fennica 191: 121– 131.

Zakharov, V. M. and J. H. Graham  (editors). 1992. Developmental stability in natural populations. Acta Zoologica Fennica 191: 1–200.

Graham, J. H. and V. M. Zakharov.  1992.  Introduction.  Acta Zoologica Fennica 191: 4–5.

Moore, W. S., J. H. Graham, and J. Price. 1991. Mitochondrial DNA variation in the Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus).  Molecular Biology and Evolution 8: 327–344.

Freeman, D.C., W. A. Turner, E. D. McArthur, and J. H. Graham. 1991. The characterization of a narrow hybrid zone between two subspecies of Big Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata tridentata and A. t. vaseyana).  American Journal of Botany 78: 805–815.

Graham, J. H. 1989. Foraging by sunfishes in a bog lake. Pages 517–527 In R. Sharitz and J. W. Gibbons (editors). Freshwater wetlands and wildlife.  DOE Symposium Series No. 61, USDOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

Graham, J. H. and R. C. Vrijenhoek. 1988. Detrended correspondence analysis of dietary data.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 117: 29–36.

Graham, J. H. and J. D. Felley. 1985. Genomic coadaptation and developmental stability within introgressed populations of Enneacanthus gloriosus and E. obesus (Pisces, Centrarchidae).  Evolution 39: 104–114.  (pdf)

Dawley, R. M., J. H. Graham, and R. J. Schultz. 1985. Triploid progeny of pumpkinseed x green sunfish hybrids.  The Journal of Heredity 76: 251–257.

Graham, J. H. and R. W. Hastings. 1984. Distributional patterns of sunfishes on the New Jersey Coastal Plain.  Environmental Biology of Fishes 10: 137–148.

Graham, J. H. and J. D. Felley. 1983. Developmental stability and genomic coadaptation in hybrid sunfish.  American Zoologist 23: 966.

Graham, J. H. and R. W. Hastings. 1980. The impact of agriculture on blackwater fish communities in the New Jersey pine barrens. Bulletin of the New Jersey Academy of Sciences 25: 62.

Graham, J. H. and R. W. Hastings. 1980. Resource partitioning among five sunfish species. Bulletin of the New Jersey Academy of Sciences 25: 62.

Last Updated 13 August 2015