Ants (Formicidae)



  • Hypoponera inexorata
  • Hypoponera opacior
  • Ponera exotica
  • Proceratium chickasaw



  • Aphaenogaster carolinensis
  • Aphaenogaster lamellidens
  • Aphaenogaster rudis group
  • Aphaenogaster treatae
  • Crematogaster ashmeadi (Arboreal Ant)
  • Crematogaster atkinsoni
  • Crematogaster lineolata
  • Crematogaster pinicola
  • Crematogaster missuriensis
  • Monomorium minimum
  • Myrmecina americana
  • Pheidole bicarinata
  • Pheidole crassicornis
  • Pheidole dentata
  • Pheidole morrisi
  • Pheidole tysoni
  • Solenopsis invicta (Red Imported Fire Ant)
  • Solenopsis richteri (Black Imported Fire Ant)
  • Solenopsis invicta x richteri (Hybrid Imported Fire Ant) 1
  • Solenopsis nr. texana
  • Temnothorax ambiguus
  • Temnothorax curvispinosus
  • Trachymyrmex septentrionalis


  • Dorymyrmex smithi
  • Forelius pruinosus
  • Forelius mccooki


  • Brachymyrmex depilis
  • Brachymyrmex patagonicus
  • Camponotus caryae
  • Camponotus castaneus (Carpenter Ant)
  • Camponotus discolor
  • Camponotus nearcticus
  • Camponotus pennsylvanicus (Black Carpenter Ant)
  • Lasius alienus
  • Formica integra
  • Formica pallidifulva
  • Formica nr. subintegra
  • Formica subsericea
  • Paratrechina faisonensis
  • Paratrechina vividula
  • Prenolepis imparis (Honey Ant)

Pheidole dentata

My Biological Diversity class began a survey of Berry ants in September 2003, and has continued to collect ants through 2007.  In 2008 I began a serious survey of the ants.  This survey parallels work I did at Fort Benning, Georgia.  Helping with the project are students Jennifer Blalock, Sam Cassell, and Diana Evans.

Specimens were identified with the aid of Joe MacGown’s keys in Ants (Formicidae) of the Southeastern United States, as well as the exquisite photos of taxonomic reference specimens at Antweb.

1  According to published distributional records, Floyd County straddles the boundary between the distributional areas of Solenopsis invicta, in eastern Floyd Co., and the invicata x richteri hybrid, in western Floyd Co.  We have examined ants that key to both S. invicta and and S. richteri, as well as those that appear intermediate.

Last Updated 6 August 2015