Victor BissonnetteStatistical Spreadsheets
Victor BissonnetteStatistical Spreadsheets

Just the Basics

I created these spreadsheets for students who have difficulty installing Java and running the Stats Homework package (e.g., students with older computers or Chromebooks).  This ensures that all students have free, user-friendly software support for double-checking their hand-written calculations.  Each present cells where the student enters a very small data set, and a table that displays the results of the statistical analysis.  For example, here is the spreadsheet that computes descriptive statistics:

Last update: 7/22/2021.

Available as Google Sheets ®.

I have posted these spreadsheets on my Google Drive.  These were specifically developed for and tested on Chromebooks using the Chrome Browser.  Because the Chrome OS will not allow the user to install the JAVA runtime environment, students with Chromebooks have not been able to use my Stats Homework package.  These online sheets offer Chromebook users a free and simple method of double-checking their basic statistical computations.

If you have your own Google account, you should be able to copy these sheets to your own Google Drive and then enter data and obtain basic statistics.  These can also be downloaded to your local computer and run with a spreadsheet program.  However, if this is your goal, you might find the next approach easier.

Available as Excel ® Spreadsheets

I have posted a .zip archive file with all the spreadsheets.  These files are in MS Excel ® format, and you should be able to open them with a variety of different spreadsheet programs.

With either source, you will find spreadsheets for descriptive statistics, T tests, one-factor ANOVAs, correlation and regression, goodness-of-fit tests, and contingency table tests.  Students should be able to use these spreadsheets to compute almost all of the basic statistics that are covered in an introductory class.  An added benefit of these spreadsheets is that students can explore the formulae embedded in them and learn about statistical computing in spreadsheets.

If you have any difficulties with these, or if you have suggestions for improvements, please let me know –

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