Victor BissonnetteStats Homework
Victor BissonnetteStats Homework

Stats Homework

A Statistical Analysis Package for Students

Stats Homework is a statistical analysis system that was designed and written for students who are enrolled in introductory statistics courses. It is not designed to compete with professional packages such as SPSS®; it was designed to introduce students to statistical computing and to facilitate students’ engagement and learning in their introductory statistics courses (click here for more information).

Stats Homework is very easy to use. It utilizes a simple approach to data-management, and a simple series of menus to specify basic statistical analyses. Students can conduct statistical analyses with very little time spent learning how to use this software. In addition, when students conduct analyses with this software, they are provided with rich outputs that include far more basic statistics than what are typically provided by the major professional packages.

Stats Homework offers a broad variety of procedures that might be useful to students and teachers working together in basic statistics courses.  It includes traditional statistical analyses such as correlation/regression, t test, ANOVA, and Chi Squared, as well as alternative approaches such as non-parametric statistics and permutation tests.  It includes many procedures for producing graphs and charts such as box plots, stem-and-leaf plots, dot plots, bar charts, histograms, and scatter plots.  Finally, it includes powerful tools for simulating data that can be used to demonstrate a variety of statistical principles covered in basic statistics courses.

Click the link below to see the download page for Stats Homework.  Documentation can be accessed by pulling down the help menu in Stats Homework, or by clicking the link below. If you have any trouble downloading or running this software, please let me know.

Special Note: I would like to acknowledge the support and guidance of two colleagues who have been invaluable in improving Stats Homework, Dr. Chris Olsen and the late Dr. Robert Hayden. Their feedback has guided me to significantly improve the input and output of many of the procedures that instructors and students will use in their courses. These changes have greatly enhanced the usability of this software, and I’m grateful for their help.

If you are interested in using this software, I could really use your help. In particular, I would very much like instructors and their students to use this software in the coming semesters and to provide me with feedback on how to improve the software and its documentation.

If you are interested, please contact me:

Victor Bissonnette, Ph.D.
Berry College
Box 5019
Mount Berry, GA 30149

Stats Homework is free to students and instructors. This software may never be sold for profit or provided as part of a larger package. This software is distributed “as is” without any warranty of any kind. In no event will Victor L. Bissonnette or Berry College be liable for any damages caused by the use or misuse of this software package.

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